SpinneyWeb designs now creates all new sites with a responsive design.

What is responsive Design?

In the past websites only had to cater for big screens on computers, but since 2012 more and more users have been accessing the Internet from devices such as tablet computers, mobile phones and Smart TV's.

Building websites to look good and work correctly on multiple devices requires the building of sites with responsive designs.

Without using responsive designs Web sites written for computers will (in most cases) display on these screens, but the text will be very small, links will be difficult to press and pictures will be too big to display correctly.

If a site is designed to work on a phone without a responsive design it will look terrible on tablet and copmputer screens.

The solution that the web design industry has come up with is something called responsive design.

A web site built with a responsive design looks at the device the client is using, and sends down a page that displays correctly on that device.

Rather than build several versions of the website, we use several templates to display the same data in a way that looks correct on the users device.

The information shown on a phone will often be less "rich" than that on a tablet or computer, as images have to be in low resolution and the amount of data sent to the device limited in order to keep the reaction time of the site fast enough for the end user. We also want to keep the amount of data sent to a minimum so that we do not upset users by causing them to exceed their contracted data limits.

An example of the differences can be seen by viewing the front page of this site on a computer and a mobile phone. The mobile version excludes the slideshow section in order to make it faster loading and less data hungry. It also takes the three boxes containing photos and displays them one above the other, rather than beside each other as they are on the computer version.